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Just in case you wanted to learn more about media clubs and what they can offer you, we have put together a list of articles that can help to further educate you on media clubs, and which one would be the right choice for you. We hope you find these useful. Below is a summary of the different categories listed to the right. Just click on a category to the right to see the articles. Or find links to them all below.

DVD Movie Clubs

DVD movie clubs are a great way to acquire an extensive dvd collection. Most clubs offer an introductory offer that sounds too good to be true, but it isn't. Just make sure that you read through the terms and conditions to know what your commitments are. Columbia House has a great DVD club where you get 5 dvds for a great low price with the commitment to buy 5 more over the period of a year after you join. The offer may seems really great, and it is a huge savings off of retail price when you average out the average price per dvd, but many people just don't realize their is a commitment on their part to buy dvds from the club. If you want to save money on DVDs without the hassle of searching through stacks at discount bins, then DVD clubs are the way to go for you.

DVD Rental Services

Now here is a great way to enjoy movies. For a monthly fee, you can rent dvds online and they are delivered by mail. Turn around time is only a few days and in some cases is the next business day. If you rent at least 2 movies per month, then this will be a great experience for you. First off, you don't have to leave the house to return the dvds, and there are no due dates or late fees. Just the piece of mind knowing that you don't have to rush out to the video store to return your movies is worth the price alone!

Music CD Clubs

Music CD Clubs are very similar to DVD clubs. These are a great way to save money on your CDs. Columbia House used to be the only music club in town, but now they are exclusively a dvd club, and BMG Music service is now the music club. BMG also has yourmusic.com which is where you can buy unlimited CDs for $6.99 each and shipping is always free. Now where are you going to find a deal like this at the store.

Music & Movie Downloads

Ipods and mp3 players are everywhere now, and everyone is looking for a place to fill them up. With these services you can download songs and movies and/or tv shows directly to your computer. You usually pay per download, but this is a great choice if you only like a few songs on an album and do not wish to purchase the real thing.